CEO Full Form Name
Full Form of CEO :
Chief Executive Officer
CEO Full Form is Chief Executive Officer. CEO refers to the highest position in an organization or company. In other words, CEO is the senior most executive or corporate officer or administrator who is responsible for managing the entire organization and its profits. CEO normally reports to the director or board of directors. A CEO can also be called as the president or MD-Managing Director or chief executive.
A CEO in a smaller concern holds higher responsibility and participation which involves making major decisions for the business, hiring staff, and more. In bigger companies a CEO normally deals with the higher strategies of the company that directs the company towards its vision and mission, delegating other works to the ones reporting to him or her. To simply put, the role and responsibilities vary from company to company based on the size and type of organization.
CEO Full Form – Additional Information
A company cannot run on its own without able leadership. There are many elements involved in the growth of a company and some of them are a good vision for development, sound allocation of funds, carefully planned delegation of work and having efficient employees who strive to make the company a success.
In order to reach these goals of a stable and successful organization, the shareholders and the board of directors appoint a visionary who works towards achieving the goals. This person is none other than the CEO or Chief Executive Officer.
Who is a CEO?
A Chief Executive Officer or CEO is a person appointed by the shareholders and the board of directors of the company to plan high-level strategies in order to take the company on a higher platform in the competitive corporate world.
It is a very top ranking position in the company and in some cases is also known as the President or the Managing Director (MD). In a smaller establishment, the CEO may be involved in the daily activities of the company as well as a selection of the staff.
However, in the larger companies, the CEO’s responsibilities differ. Here he is only the policy maker and sets a vision for the company’s growth. The employees are the ones who carry this dream forward and turn it into reality by working along the lines of the plans set by the CEO. Thus, it is the CEO who is responsible for either the success or the failure of the company and is answerable for the status to the shareholders and directors.
A CEO, in short, can be termed as a role model for the managers and other employees and he guides them in following the company’s policies and targets.
Responsibilities of a CEO
To take a company to a greater height of success there needs to be a good futurist who can think ahead of times and foresee the company’s future. The person should also have the ability to make sound decisions for a stable and constant progress of the establishment and be accountable for its failures and success. CEO is responsible for planning and executing high-level tactics, undertaking all key corporate decisions, managing the finances as well as general operations of the company. He is the main link between the board of directors and the business operations.
In order to facilitate proper functioning of the company, the CEO appoints managers and executives at different levels and delegates them the duty of getting the desired results from all the employees as per the set goals. He distributes the funds of the company in profitable ventures with prior consultation with the board of directors.
The CEO has the authority to relieve the managers and executives of their duties for underperformance. The managers, on the other hand, hire and fire the subordinate staff if they fail to deliver the set targets. A CEO should select his team wisely so that there are no lapses in the performance and target achievement. He should be effective in communicating his vision to the team of managers. This is essential for the executives to get the work done in a flawless manner from the employees.
A model CEO
For a company to grow and prosper there should be a very conducive environment so that the employees have the motivation to give their best performance. A dynamic CEO is a role model for the managers and executives, who take a cue from him on how to develop the business. The enthusiasm of the managers rubs on to the employees, who strive hard to get the desired results.
Besides this, CEO also sets up standards for dressing, work culture, etc. The employees follow the examples set by the CEO. They learn the importance of communication as well as a choice of the right persons. His reactions to the mistakes of the employees suggest the degree of risk taking involved in the work process. The Hire and Fire stand gives an idea about what is tolerated and what can be avoided.
Rewards for a particular work establish the fact that the work has been accomplished as per desired standards. These may seem simple and little things, but they matter the most. Through this functioning, a successful work empire is established and the CEO turns out to be the right candidate selected to be at the helm of the company.
Things that a CEO should avoid:
  • Arrogance: Agreed that a CEO is at the top most level in the company. However, this fact should not give him/her a bloated ego. Arrogance is the first step of a person’s downfall and very soon the CEO realizes that he/she is the least liked person and it jolly well affects the future of the company. This is because, since the employees do not take kindly to this boss, they are not very keen on executing his orders properly. This, in turn, affects the performance and growth of the company.
  • Blame game: No one is perfect. Let’s admit that. However, it does not give the “boss” the right to blame the subordinates for his own incompetence. As he is the top boss, the CEO may feel that his decisions and judgments are the ultimate words that can never be wrong. Nonetheless, when his plans fall flat and his vision seems far from profitable, then it is very difficult for him to admit that he failed somewhere along the line of decision making. In fact, he finds it easier to blame the managers and employees for not doing their assigned tasks well. Blaming the employees or the market conditions for the failure is no valid excuse since these are the very responsibilities of a good CEO – to hire a competent team to achieve goals and to anticipate the market scenario in advance and plan the strategies accordingly.
  • Stop learning: Progress comes with constant learning and innovation. The CEO should never stop learning. Daily activities are the base of a project and if one keep self-updated with the daily routine, it is easier to follow the shortcomings and rectify them in a timely manner.
Signs of a good CEO
A good CEO is a good visionary and a person with a sane analytical mind. He should envisage the company at the top of the market, ahead of the competitors. For this, he should carefully select his team of managers and executives and they, in turn, should appoint competent workforce to realize the goals. He should be clear and effective in communication so that there are no confusions while executing the plan. Since the crucial responsibility of finance management is entrusted to him, the CEO should study the market and invest in the most profitable venture and create sound business partnerships. Success or failure – he should take it in his stride and should not shirk responsibility in case of failure, nor get egoistic on being successful.
CEO Full Form: Center for Effective Organizations
Full Form of CEO refers to Center for Effective Organizations. The Center for Effective Organization, also known as the CEO, was founded in the year 1979. The organization is located at USC’s Marshall School of Business and has become one of the premier research organizations, promoting research activities towards various organizational aspects pertaining to its effectiveness.
The CEO was founded to serve the primary purpose of undertaking research activities to come up with various methods of improving organizational capabilities and effectiveness. It endeavors to find solutions to increase managerial capacities of organizational frameworks. The organization calls for researchers and scholars engaged in this field and motivates them to combine their efforts in resolving organizational issues and creating streamlined designs for complicated organizational frameworks. Due to its immense contribution in this area, the CEO has become an internationally renowned and reputed organization that is involved in managerial studies of the organization.
The CEO undertakes research activities in the broad ranges of subjects like management of organization, development of the organization, building up of leadership skills, implementation of reward systems, overseeing performances, creating organizational designs, management of employees, ensuring effective corporate governance, and other critical areas pertaining to organizational effectiveness.
Due to its international repute, the CEO is sponsored by many corporate giants like Cambia, Avery Dennison, Citrix Systems, Clearwater Paper Corporation ESCO Corporation, McKesson Corporation, General Mills, Inc., Lockheed Martin Corporation, the New York Times, Pepsico, Towers Watson, and The Walt Disney Company, etc.
Full Form of CEO: Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization
CEO Full Form stands for Collegiate Entrepreneurs‘ Organization. CEO is one of the reputed organizations that have an extensive and credible entrepreneurship network. The organization expands its entrepreneurship network by founding chapters on universities in North America and beyond. With time, the CEO has grown into a robust and credible network that supports entrepreneurs through about 200 chapters functional in more than 43 states.
The CEO was founded with the purpose of promoting entrepreneurship among younger persons. It intends to promote and motivate university students to develop their entrepreneurship skills and engage actively in businesses. This way it attempts to foster creativity among younger intellectuals. With the help of its extensive reach to different colleges, the CEO regularly organizes events, chapters, seminars and conferences, and workshops to instill a sense of interest in entrepreneurship. The CEO organizes a flagship event, which is an annual National Conference that is organized every fall.
The CEO plans to extend its reach to more than 400 colleges so that it becomes instrumental in allowing young students to understand entrepreneurship and go ahead with it confidently. It provides sufficient opportunities to students so that they kick start their business career.
The organization adheres to certain principles and values, considering them motivational factors in its functioning and management. Some of those values and principles are:
  • It believes that it is the passion that helps in achieving the purpose. Thus, one must attempt to discharge the purpose without dwelling much on financial incentives.
  • The CEO believes that one must not wait but start now. The more proactive a person is, the more effective his performance is.
  • It endeavors to promote students in acknowledging the positive consequences of indulging in entrepreneurship.
  • It is important to create as many opportunities as possible so that there is substantial participation from younger intellectuals.
CEO Full Form: Center for Equal Opportunity
Full Form of CEO stands for Center for Equal Opportunity. CEO is an American entity that engages in conservative deliberations and decisions. The CEO is a think tank that indulges in three areas namely, affirmative action, immigration, and bilingual education. Founded in the year 1995, the present chairman of the CEO Linda Chavez had established it. It was established with the motto E pluribus unum, which literally translates into “One out of many” and it is a commonly used phrase on the seal of the United States. For many years, E pluribus unum has been used as the motto of the United States. Currently, the General Counsel of the CEO is Roger Clegg and the Executive Director is Rudy Gersten, who is the son of Linda Chavez.
Let us briefly explore the three focus areas of CEO.
  • Immigration: One of the three focus areas of CEO is immigration. The United States has seen a large number of immigration and this has become a growing concern within the American community. Some of the problems with immigration are difficulty in integration with the culture of the United States. The CEO undertakes activities in understanding historical backgrounds of America and finding out ways to integrate the immigrants in the society.
  • Affirmative action: The CEO is aimed at eradication of racial discrimination by supporting colorblind policies.
  • Voting Policies: They oversee restricting policies.
  • The CEO also works in the areas relating to racial discrimination and ethnic identities among other purposes it is established to serve.
Full Form of CEO: Campaign to End Obesity
CEO Full Form stands for Campaign to End Obesity. Obesity is a serious concern for the human community, particularly now when unhealthy food habits have taken a toll on the biological systems of people. It is increasingly becoming out of control in developed countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, where fast foods and manufactured foods are popularly consumed. There have been many efforts made to highlight the bad effects of obesity among the common public. For this purpose, the Campaign to End Obesity would be quite an apt subject of discussion.
The campaign to End Obesity, which is also known by its abbreviated version CEO, is an initiative to highlight the harmful effects of obesity upon the health of people. It acts as a forum to bring together leaders, who have indulged in the debate against obesity for long or have conducted researches or studies on it. It acts as a guiding framework that highlight major policy changes required to tackle obesity.
The board of directors of CEO comprises Charles Baum from Takeda, Mark Schoeberl from American Heart Association, Elena Rios from National Hispanic Medical Association, Joe Thompson from Arkansas Center for Health Improvement, Scott Goudeseune from American Council on Exercise, Elliot Fegelman from Ethicon, Ed Forster from United States Soccer Foundation, Jeffrey Poltawsky from American Family Children’s Hospital, and Lee Kaplan from Harvard Medical School.
CEO Full Form: Corporate Europe Observatory
Full Form of CEO refers to Corporate Europe Observatory. The Corporate Europe Observatory, also known by its abbreviated form CEO, is basically a research group that is non-profit. It is also a campaign against corporate lobbying. The aim of its establishment is to highlight the consequences of corporate lobbying in EU policy making. The observatory is based Brussels and is instrumental in exposing this malpractice that is becoming rampantly acceptable among policy makers, giving leverage to corporate strongholds to maneuver policies the way they want.
For general understanding, corporate lobbying is a term used to define attempts to use influence upon policy makers to create or amend policies suitable to the needs of corporate interests. It is generally done in governmental regulatory bodies, which are established as checks upon the activities of corporates.
The CEO is operated by a team, which as far as 2015 is concerned includes members like Olivier Hoedeman,  Martin Pigeon, Pascoe Sabido, Vicky Cann, Pia Eberhardt, Nina Holland, Lora Verheecke, etc with Roel van den Bosch as the administrator of finances.
The CEO carries our several activities directed towards the realization of its objectives. The observatory is actively engaged in researching and publishing instances of corporate lobbying that happen in vital EU decision-making processes. It has founded the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation, which brings together more than 200 civil groups, unions, scholars and researchers to undertake an assessment of lobbying activities.
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation has conducted various researches and have even published a paper titled “Bursting the Brussels Bubble” , which quite blatantly exposed the lobbying activities occurring in the EU. It even conducts an award show titled the Worst EU Lobbying Awards that awards the most cunning or complicated lobbying strategies taken resort to affect EU decision-making. The awards are presented every year to mock lobbers and their lobbying activities.
Full Form of CEO: Civil Enforcement Officer
CEO Full Form refers to Civil Enforcement Officer. CEO is an officer that is employed to oversee observance of parking trafficking rules and other regulatory restrictions imposed in major cities of the United Kingdom like England and Wales. Commonly known as Traffic Warden in the English community, the appointment of these officers differs in Wales and England. As far as England is concerned, there are councils that conduct appointment of such officers: London Borough Councils, Transport of London, and County Councils. However in Wales, the appointment is made by County (borough) councils or even private corporations having contractual agreements with aforementioned councils in this regard.
The CEO came into existence only after the enactment and enforcement of the Traffic Management Act 2004 before which the parking traffic was overseen and enforced by traffic wardens, who were appointed by constabularies. The off-street violations of parking regulations were seen by attendants appointed by local authorities.
The official powers can be exercised by CEOs only when wearing the official uniform mandated by the Secretary of State. While discharging the official duty, the CEO can issue a notice regarding several violations like Penalty Charges Notices. This notice can be given by either CCT cameras or mobile phones. The officers are equipped with the powers to seize and investigate blue badges. Apart from these powers, the officers have the authority to prevent the vehicles from moving; caution the defaulters; penalize those who have failed to display road tax. The ranges of offenses against which the CEO can issue notices include environmental violations like fly-tipping, or noise creation or spitting places, etc. The CEO can penalize for minor offenses like parking and ticketing breaches.
There are parallel officers in countries like Belgium and the Netherlands. Take for example Belgium, where there are Stadswacht, which translates into City Guard. These officers are public officers but only possess the power to report about the violations to the concerned magistrate, who would decide as to whether the fine be levied on the alleged defaulter. Similarly in the Netherlands, Stadswachts were used until the year 2004, who exercise powers quite similar to that of the CEOs but the former officers were not equipped with the powers to levy fines on the defaulters.
CEO Full Form: Crew Earth Observations
Full Form of CEO stands for Crew Earth Observations. When it comes to “galaxian” observations, NASA comes to mind. It is the strongest and the largest community of scientists and engineers, who coordinate to execute several history changing operations and observations so that the scientific acumen of the humanity develops. To uncover the mystery of the universe is the primary objective based on which the NASA was established. Every member is a part of some or other group tasks with distinct duties and advantages. One such group is the Crew Earth Observations, which needs a special explanation because it discharges some of the most interesting functions that can be attributed to anyone associated with the NASA.
The Crew Earth Observation, which can also be referred to in its abbreviated form CEO, refers to crew members that are on the International Space Station (abbreviated as ISS). It is called “observation” because the crew members are tasked to take pictures of the space from a peculiar point of vision, which is situated about 200 miles from above the earth surface. These pictures clicked by the CEO members help in improving the database as far as the changing earth is concerned. They help record the changes the earth has gone through all this time. Changes like urban development, hurricanes, earthquakes, rifts, diversion in river streams, etc.
All the pictures that have been till today clicked by the CEO members are available freely on the NASA website. These pictures are considered highly valuable and often become part of well renowned scientific publications, especially when pictures concern some of the sensitive topics currently in global attention. The Scientific community has used these pictures to create a database that can help understand the ever-changing features of the earth.
The CEO is a group, which is backed by organization Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (abbreviated as (HEOMD). The CEO missions have been operational since 1951 and thousands of images have already been taken.
