DIY Full Form Name
Full Form of DIY :
Do It Yourself
DIY Full Form is Do It Yourself. DIY is basically used to indicate various tasks that you can do on your own without a need for any professional assistance. This term has been associated more with customers or consumers since 1912. It was mainly towards maintenance activities and home improvements. People started using the term DIY very commonly after the 1950s. Subsequently, this term has brought on various meaning in various fields covering various skill sets. Some of the DIY associated fields include pirate radio stations, independent media networks, zine community, and more. Several consumable goods are sold with the DIY instructions. DIY has created a huge impact in the arts and crafts field where people are able to help themselves with a set of instructions and without external assistance. DIY is also used in the military camps to instruct commanders to help themselves.
DIY is essentially used to refer to the method of repairing, modifying, and constructing things on your own without the need of any external aid from a professional. People engage in DIY for personal amusement or finding a place in the market. Many engage in DIY to enhance their identity and seek empowerment. The slang DIY has been in use since at least the year 1912 when it was used in association with maintenance activities and home improvements. However, it was only in the 1950s that the phrase “Do it Yourself” aka DIY became a common term. With increasing popularity, DIY is now associated with many other activities or areas such as alternative rock, zine community, indie rock, pirate radio stations, etc. It is associated with the Arts and Crafts Movement and the military forces. In military, commanders are taught DIY lessons for the purposes of improvisation.
One area where DIY is indispensable is the fashion world. YouTube has become a popular platform for dissemination of many DIY techniques relating to jewellery, hairstyle, and clothing. DIY techniques include bleaching jeans, studding denim, redesigning old clothes, etc. DIY is also associated with self-publishing of books, comics; modification of common products for unintended uses; designing invitation and business cards; homemade stuffs such as teddy bears; self funded music labels; craft work such as crochet, knitting, ceramics, cosmetics, handmade jewellery, and sewing; and roller derby, etc.
There are several publications in circulation that offer DIY content such as Bazaar Bizarre, Lifehacker, destination DIY, TechShop, Instructables, etc. These publications cater to different DIY contents for example, LifeHacker is a popular website that provides DIY tips on life; TechShop is a chain of workshops which enables people to develop several industrial skills; Hometalk is another social networking website that provides quick hacks on home improvements; Destination DIY is a radio show that communicates about several DIY ideas.  All of the aforementioned discussion shows that DIY is not just a simple abbreviated form but has social and economic relevance. It fosters creativity and self-identification and helps people positively.


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