GATE Full Form Name: GATE Meaning

Full Form of GATE:

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

GATE Full Form is Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. GATE is an entrance exam conducted in all-India level for admitting students into various postgraduate programs in the field of engineering, science and technology. This exam is conducted by a collaboration of 7 IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) and the IISc (Indian Institute of Science). The 7 Indian Institutes of Technology or IITs include Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur, Guwahati, Chennai, Kharagpur, and Roorkee.GATE exam is conducted in the engineering streams like Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Science, Aerospace Engineering, Information Technology, Production Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Metallurgy, Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology etc..
GATE exam basically tests the comprehensive knowledge and understanding of a candidate in different subjects. It assesses the understanding of his or her undergraduate course of engineering, technology, architecture, etc. The GATE score is mandatory to seek admission in various post graduate programs in IITs (Indian Institute of Technology), NITs (National Institutes of Technology), and IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology). It also helps to seek employment opportunities in various government owned companies. Though GATE exam does not comprise of lengthy questions, it has its level of challenge that only around 15% of candidates qualify with high percentile.

GATE Full Form – Additional Information

After completing undergraduate studies in Engineering, if a student wishes to pursue higher studies in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or any other reputed university that offers Masters Degree in Engineering, then it is necessary to pass the admission test known as GATE or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering.


GATE or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted to ascertain the proficiency of the candidate to undertake higher studies in the selected field of Engineering, Technology or Architecture. It is essential in order to obtain admission for Masters Degree or get a job in related fields of Engineering in which the candidate does specialization at the undergraduate level.
This exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore along with 7 of the IITs (Bombay, Madras, Roorkee, Delhi, Kanpur, Guwahati, and Kharagpur). The test scores are utilized to obtain jobs in public sector companies (government owned organizations) for entry-level candidates in the field of engineering.
The examination is conducted on behalf of the Government of India’s National Coordination Board for Department of Higher Education of Ministry of Human Resources Development. This is a computer based online test that has duration of 3 hours and the candidate has to answer 65 questions to score total 100 marks. There are multiple choice questions and the ones with numeric answers. Of the 65 questions, 10 are marked as language and logical skill questions and these are applicable to all the subjects that you may opt for.
GATE is conducted to test skills in 23 disciplines of studies like Aerospace / Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Agricultural / Instrumentation / Metallurgical / Mining / Civil / Electronics and Communication / Production and Industrial and Petroleum Engineering, Biotechnology, Architecture, Life Sciences and much more.


The candidates wishing to appear for GATE are charged a fee of `750 for physically handicapped, SC, ST and female candidates; whereas, all the regular candidates have to pay `1500. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
  • Final year students and the ones who have completed Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, Technology or Engineering, with the 10+2 followed by 4 years course pattern of studies.
  • Final year students or Master’s Degree holders in any stream of Science/ Computer Applications / Mathematics / Statistics.
  • Students from the second year or thereof doing an integrated 4-years master’s course in either Technology or engineering.
  • Candidates pursuing 5-year integrated master’s degree program or Dual-degree in Technology or Engineering and who are in their 4th or later year of the course.
  • All those who have obtained qualifications through various competitive examinations conducted by professional societies like Institute of Engineering, etc and whose value is at par with B.E or B.Tech
The GATE score calculated on 100 is valid for a period of three years from the date of declaration of the results. The qualifying marks vary from subject to subject and different categories. Each subject is coded and there are some compulsory subjects that the candidates have to attempt like Engineering Mathematics for Engineering Sciences students and Chemistry for Life Science students.
Engineering sciences subjects are Engineering Mathematics (compulsory), and any two options from the remaining like Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Materials Science, Food Technology, Polymer Science & Engineering and Thermodynamics. Life Sciences has Chemistry (compulsory) and any two from Food Technology, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, and Biochemistry. General aptitude applicable to all disciplines has verbal and numerical skills test.


Post Graduate studies and research scholars have scholarships / fellowships applicable given by the Government on many occasions. Thus, it is essential to choose right candidates who have absolute knowledge about the field that they wish to pursue higher studies.
GATE scores are accepted when a person seeks a job in Government undertakings and applies for Masters Degree as well as Doctorate studies. GATE is considered a quite tough examination to crack as there are objective questions yet a person has to study extensively to attempt random questions.
Multiple choice questions can be tricky and 65 questions in three hours and that too online is a difficult task, since the computer shuts down its monitor at the end of 3 hours session leaving you no chance to grab the opportunity to complete the incomplete work, as is possible on a paper & pen exam. This requires thorough preparation of the subject to attempt the questions as fast as possible.
Many students take up a particular stream of education and complete the undergraduate level. However, in the fields of Engineering and Technology, there is a need to have in-depth knowledge of the field in which you wish to make a career. GATE is the first step that you take in pursuing the higher study of the specialized subject of your choice.


Every year there are over thousands of people applying for PSU (public sector undertaking) jobs in India. Even though the demand is more, the requirement is quite less and then the companies find it very difficult to appoint the right candidate by just interview process. Since the application rate is high and the vacancies are limited, the interview sessions get too long and tedious.
Thus, to at least shortlist the candidates these GATE scores are taken into consideration. From then on it becomes easier for the companies to interview only the shortlisted candidates selected on merits and make a quick decision about the appointment. IOC (Indian Oil Corporation) was the first PSU to start this trend and then on many other big companies followed this selection criterion.
Apart from securing a good PSU job, GATE also gives the candidate a confidence of knowledge in the chosen field of Engineering, Technology or Architecture. When a tough test like GATE is cracked successfully, it is easier to get admission in reputed colleges or universities for Post-graduate studies
Since the test is online, the students are not permitted to bring in calculators etc as they are expected to use an on- screen virtual calculator for their calculation work. An answer key is provided to the candidates after the completion of the session in order to verify their answers. The results are also online through official site. This brings in total transparency in the process and is totally unbiased in marking.


Every process has its pros and cons. The pros are all mentioned earlier, as they benefit the candidate in securing a better future knowledge as well as career wise. However, since these are all competitive exams, there is a boom of coaching classes and tutorials that aim to make hay while the sun shines. Each coaching class has lists of names of some “toppers” who have supposedly studied at their institution. This lures others to enroll automatically. The coaching fees are very high and by the end of it all, there cannot be any guarantee that you too may get high scores and be satisfied with your investment of money and time in the coaching.
There are some very good students who are thorough in theory and are perfect book worms who grasp the book matter and reproduce it in the test paper. Nonetheless, it does not mean that the ones who score a bit less are not capable of good work or have the ability to study decently in future. The GATE score parameter metes out injustice to some candidates who unfortunately fail to make a mark through the test and yet are intelligent enough to take up higher studies in the subject of their choice. Competitive examination is a good way to filter out deserving candidates through the hordes that apply for admission. Yet it should not be the only deciding factor to seal a student’s fate.

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