FYI Full Form Name
Full Form of FYI :
For Your Information
FYI Full Form is For Your Information. This term is very casually used in appropriate places in emails, letters, messages, chats, etc. FYI is used before a message that is to be specifically shared and not to be missed by the reader. At times, FYI is used in front of a set of instructions the reader has to pay attention to. Unlike other Internet slangs, FYI is used in formal and official letters and emails. For instance, if a supervisor is to give a set of tasks or tips to an employee, he may send out an email with FYI. Under certain circumstances, people prefer using FYIA (For Your Information and Action) as they expect the other person to understand the information and take necessary action. If this term is not used properly it might be considered informal. Most often, it is the situation and tone of the sentence which define whether it conveys arrogance or not.
FYI is a generally used abbreviation and is quite a buzz in the Internet world. The term is often used in instant messaging, e-mail, messages, etc. and is usually used to emphasize on a particular piece of information so that the interest of the receiver can be directed towards it without fail. It gives the receiver an indication that the flagged information should not be ignored for a given purpose. What is interesting about this slang is that unlike most of the other internet slangs, FYI is commonly used in formal settings such as business related conversations. The use of FYI can be traced back to the year 1941 and one of its notable uses has been made in one of the episode of the Twilight Zone: One for the Angels in the year 1959. In the movie Shrek 2, Prince Charming used the slang. Thus, FYI has historical relevance. Some of the examples using FYI are as follows:
§  Meera: We are organizing an official ceremony. FYI, it is only for members of the group.
§  FYI, I am not related to him either personally or professionally.
§  Swati: I have heard you are looking a roommate.
§  Mina: FYI, it is not going to be you.
It is evident from bare reading that the first two examples involve polite usages of FYI whereas the last one is used with a rude tone. So, FYI and its use is depended upon the purpose.


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