RADAR Full Form Name
Full Form of RADAR :
Radio Detection And Ranging
RADAR Full Form is Radio
Detection And Ranging. RADAR is a system that detects the
presence, distance, speed, and direction of ships, aircrafts, and various other
objects. RADAR works by letting out series of electromagnetic pulses towards
the objects which is reflected back to the source. It was a British Physicist
named Sir Robert Watson-Watt made the first RADAR system in the year 1935.
RADAR has become the essential tool for weather forecasting watching tornados
and thunderstorms, to study planets, trace solar flares and study various
moving bodies in the outer space. Most often, the ground-based RADAR system is
used to guide aircraft landing. It is also used to track artificial satellites
that orbit the earth.
RADAR is essentially an
object-detection system, which makes use of radio waves for the determination
of the angle, velocity, or range of objects. RADAR is also used for the
detection of spacecraft, motor vehicles, guided missiles, ships, terrain, and
weather formations. Its system comprises a transmitter, which produces
electromagnetic waves or microwave domain, a receiving antenna, an emitting
antenna for capturing returns from objects in the emitted signal’s path, a
processor, and receiver for determination of properties of the objects.
It is interesting to note that
RADAR was invented surreptitiously during World War II. In the year 1940, the
United States Navy termed the system as RADAR. The use of RADAR has become a
part of daily English vocabulary but in that, it has lost all the
capitalization. The use of RADAR in the contemporary world is diverse in
nature. It finds use in terrestrial and air traffic control, air-defense
systems, marine radars, antimissile systems, radar astronomy, ocean surveillance
and outer space surveillance, meteorological monitoring, public heath
For RADAR systems to work, it is
important that they overcome unwarranted noise or signals to ensure focus on
the main targets. These unwarranted signals can originate from external and
internal sources, which can be both active and passive. If the radar system is
capable of overcoming these interferences, it defines the Signal-to-Noise ratio
(abbreviated SNR) The use of RADAR is subject to International regulations. Article
1.100 of the International Telecommunications Union’s ITU Radio Regulations
defines RADAR.