CV Full Form Name: CV Meaning
Full Form of CV :
Curriculum Vitae
CV Full Form refers to Curriculum Vitae. CV is a detailed synopsis or summary of the academic and educational background of a person along with the past experiences. It is summarized in a formal way to apply for jobs or to universities. It includes elaborate details of all sorts of research experiences, extracurricular activities, presentations, publications, honors, awards, affiliations, and various other relevant details.
Most often a CV is confused with resume though they are used for the same purpose. The primary difference however is; a CV is a very elaborate summary of all the above-mentioned details. Whereas, a resume consists of just a single page or two pages of the summary of vital information such as education, experience, skills, etc. With increased competition in every industry, there are certain formats that have been developed to write a CV, as these formats cover all essential details to be presented in a flow.

CV Full Form – Important Information

When you venture out to face competition, you need to prove yourself to be the best of the lot. Today mere verbal presentation of one’s worth is not in fashion and professionals look for written documents that enumerate your abilities in various areas.
This written document is called the Curriculum Vitae, or CV in the common fashion. CV is a useful tool not only for pass outs from college but also for school students. It serves as a tool for anyone who wishes to enter the competition and display his skills in the most professional manner. However, CV is not an ordinary document but needs to be systematically prepared to make the best impression.
Making a CV is not a simple task like many think it is. There are many factors that need to be kept in mind to ensure that the CV is precisely and impeccably documented. Thus, this article will give you insights in some of the aspects of a well-formulated CV. This article will contain tips on how to create a CV and impress professionals! The ten things that one must keep in mind while drafting a CV are enumerated in the following paragraphs:

What is a CV?

Before we begin with the basic factors governing drafting a CV, one must be very clear about what a CV is. Historical records show that the first ever CV was written by the famed, enigmatic painter Leonardo Da Vinci about 500 years ago. Of course, afterwards many samples of CVs surfaced and it eventually became fashionable in the professional world.
Curriculum Vitae is the document that enumerates an individual’s academic and professional history in a systematic manner. It is often referred to as resume. It underlines experiences and achievements gained by the individual and it is often considered as one of the first documents an aspiring job applicant has to present during a job interview or any other process relating to job applications. Preliminary selection is usually made on the quality of CV, followed by final selection in an interview round.
CV is, what one may call it, a historical record that lays down personal details in a fashion that is precise and systematic. It helps you market yourself in the professional stream and with this, you can sell your talents and knowledge from previous experiences.

Use of the CV:

Usage of the CV may differ with countries, depending upon the form and weight. Take for example the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, the CV is in practice short (maximum 2 A4 pages) and contains a brief summary of the individual’s professional history, academic qualifications, and other relevant information that may give added incentive. In Asian countries, there are minor changes in the format of CV. In many of Asian countries, the photographs, birth date, and even salary information of the individual are often mandated to be updated in the CVs.
In the countries like the United States, Australia, and Canada, a CV is understood to be a comprehensive document that is extremely important in academic and professional areas and must enumerate academic and professional history. In these countries, a resume is a crisper form of a CV and is generally used in job applications. Sometimes, employers may expect a shorter CV for consideration.

When to use a CV?

CV is not a document that you can throw at anyone’s desk to flaunt your skills. There are proper places where CV should be presented. The following are some of the cases where a CV is used:
§  When the employer requires from you a document in the format of a CV.
§  In cases where the employer does not expressly state that a CV is presented but mentions commonly used phrases like “apply to”, etc.
§  When you make speculative applications. Speculative applications are made when the employer has not openly advertised about any vacancy but you still forward an application expecting some. In such cases, the application must be forwarded along with a properly drafted CV.

Information to be included in a CV:

As mentioned earlier, there has to be a format followed in order to draft a professional CV. Under this head, there are certain titles that must be mentioned to highlight the best of you to the employer. The following paragraphs enumerate some of those titles that a CV should have:
§  Previous Work Experience: This section must briefly and precisely mention work experiences if any. The details must be exact and not speculative in any manner.
§  Academic qualifications: High School and intermediate levels of education, followed by Graduation, followed by post-graduation, and so on should be mentioned in a chronological order.
§  Computer skills: Although traditional CVs do not require this head to be mentioned, there could be employers who seek applications for a certain kind of job that needs computer skills. Mention computer skills smartly, by stating certificate courses or other qualifications that you have as far as computers are concerned.
§  Skills: There could be other skills that you may have. Jot them down.
§  Accomplishments: It is an attractive segment in any CV and adds immense advantage to the success rate. Enumerate the accomplishments in a chronological order. Mention recent achievements because it would hardly matter to the employer that you have earned first prize in tug-o-war in first grade in school.
§  Intangibles: It is an extra segment often added to show one’s desire to work with the employer.

Personal details in a CV:

One of the most often questions is to what extent the personal details should be added to the CV. The traditional practice of writing the CV is that personal details include name, address, date of birth, and contact information. Since age discrimination is prevalent, the requirement of the date of birth can be done away with.
While many countries do not need photographs on the CV, there are Asian countries, which mandate a photograph, particularly South Korea. There are also European countries like France, Belgium, and Germany requires passport size photographs whereas, in countries like the United kingdom and the United States, there is no such need. A photograph on CV may increase chances of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, color, religion, or simply age. Thus, equal opportunity would miss out.

Work Experience in a CV:

It is considered one of the most important determinative factors in any CV and therefore, one must strategically elaborate his/her work experiences. There are some tips that may be followed:
§  Use professional and action words like planned, organized, interested, developed, etc.
§  It is perfectly all right to elaborate on team works. So even if you worked in a common workplace as a team, it may still be worth jotting down in a CV. However, refrain from mentioning routine, non-people tasks like getting photocopies done.
§  To strike relation between the job and the skills.

Personal Interests and hobbies:

Some of the tips one must remember while mentioning personal interests:
§  Keep it short and crisp: Many people have the habit of writing lengthy paragraphs on interests and hobbies. Interests are minor additions that you may add in a CV and therefore do not matter much so it is advisable to keep them short.
§  Avoid using clichés like hanging out with friends or watching TV.
§  Provide an insight into different kinds of interests you have.
§  If you have interests that are uncommon then they might give you an added advantage. Mention such interests emphatically to focus the attention of readers.
§  Leadership skills, if any, should be mentioned.
§  It is worth mentioning interests that are relevant to the job applied to. This might help employers evaluate your capability in handling certain tasks associated with the job.

Mistakes commonly made in a CV:

This segment will enumerate some of the most common mistakes committed by people while drafting a CV:
§  A survey found that 56 percent of the employers feel displeased because of the unrevised CVs forwarded to them. Make sure you have revised the CV numerous times before forwarding the same.
§  Lengthy CVs are to be avoided. Do not try to elaborate unnecessarily on your qualifications and skills. It shall damage the presentation of the CV, which is supposed to be moderately sized.
§  Often no use of bullets displeases the employers so enumerate your skills suing bullets.
§  It is important to objectively explain your skills and qualifications and does not dwell too much on subjective notions.
§  Lack of a significant number of accomplishments makes CVs ordinary.

Length of CV:

This is perhaps really important to realize because many people tend to write over-comprehensive CVs, undermining the quality of presentation of the CVs. Although there are no rules pertaining to the length of the CV, the traditional practice is that the CV should not cover more than two pages of A4 sizes.
In a survey conducted in America, the employers found one page CV preferable over two pages CV. However, the general opinion was the page requirement would depend on upon the position applied to. The CVs in the United States are shorter than those in the United Kingdom, but a trend of one page has surfaced in the latter.

Additional tips on presentation of CV:

This segment will enumerate some additional tips that help in the better presentation of CV. Some of those tips are as follows:
§  Never back a CV, which means that every page of a CV should be on a separate sheet of paper.
§  Present your skills and talents in a positive fashion. Always show your best skills on paper.
§  Although CVs are not legal documents, it is still advisable to lay down details honestly. Employers are smart players when it comes to recruitment and they can catch your lies.
§  When you are forwarding your CV, never fold it. Always forward it in an envelope.

CV Full Form: Combat vehicle

Full Form of CV stands for Combat Vehicle. Combat vehicles are those that are utilized in combat operations. They are armed with weapons and are protected by a strong covering which is made using metals. The weapons armed in these vehicles combine tactical offensive, defensive capabilities, and operational mobility. Combat vehicles can either be tracked or wheeled. They are classified in accordance with their characteristics and role on the battlefield.

Types of Combat Vehicles:

§  Tank
The primary role of the tank consists of engaging enemy forces by using direct fire in the role of frontal assault. The tanks are of three types: heavy tanks, medium tanks, and light tanks. In accordance with their use, these were also named as the infantry tank, cavalry tank, breakthrough tank and cruiser tank.
§  Armoured Car
An armoured car is a wheeled vehicle and is armoured with weapons. It is usually lighter as compared to other combat vehicles. It is either armoured or is armed for providing self-defence to the car’s occupants.
§  Armoured Engineering Vehicle:
The design of these vehicles allows the direct conducting of the obstacle breaching operations as well as aids in conducting engineering and earthmoving operations on the battlefield.
§  Armoured Train
It is basically a railway train that is protected by numerous fighting equipment. These are armed with machine and artillery guns.
§  Internal security vehicle
Also known as ASV or Armed Security Vehicle, it is used for operations of contingency nature.

Full Form of CV: Cleaning validation

CV Full Form stands for Cleaning Validation. Cleaning Validation is basically the documented evidence which provides an assurance that a consistent cleaning of an equipment piece or a system can be done to an acceptable and predetermined limit. It applies to the cleaning of equipment related to process manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry. The reason for doing cleaning validation is that it helps in verifying the cleaning procedure’s effectiveness. It also helps in ensuring that the risks related to cross contamination of sanitizer or detergent or active ingredient are nullified.
Cleaning Validation is done when there is a critical change in either formulation or in the cleaning procedure, or if there is an important alteration in the formulation, or there is a change in either a cleaning agent or in a process of cleaning.
Cleaning Validation involves three sampling methods. These are:
§  Swabbing
This method, also known as direct surface sampling, consists of using a swabbing material. This material is saturated with a solvent and is used for physical sampling of the surfaces.
§  Rinse Sampling:
In this method, a particular amount of solution passes over a surface of a large area. The recovery solution is then analysed.
§  Placebo sampling
In this, a placebo batch processing is employed for detecting residue on the surface of the equipment. This method is appropriate for microbial testing, cleaning agent, particulates and active residue.

CV Full Form: Cape Verde

Full Form of CV refers to Cape Verde. Cape Verde is a country consisting of a group of islands that lies four hundred miles off the western coast of the African continent. The capital of this country is Praia, located in Santiago. The population of this country mainly consists of the descendants of mixed Europe and is referred to as Crioulo or mestiço. It also has an African minority, including the people of Mandyako, the Balante, and Fulani. The European population includes the descendants of English, Italian, French and Portuguese.
The official language is Portuguese. One of the most widely spoken languages of this country is Crioulo. There are two dialects of this language that exist in Cape Verde, which comes under Barlavento and Sotavento groups. The climate in this country is moderate, with stable temperature and extreme aridity. The coolest month here is February. The wettest and hottest months are September and August.
The economy of Cape Verde is service-oriented. It is centered on public services, transport, trade, and commerce. The revenue usually comes from tourism, remittances from emigrants and international airports. Many items like coffee, animal hides, fish, bananas, rum and salt are exported but not in large quantities. Since this country is highly dependent on the imported food, its main imports include beverages, vegetables, cereals, fruits and other foodstuffs.

Full Form of CV: Castro Valley

CV Full Form refers to Castro Valley. In Alameda County, the largest community is Castro Valley. This community is bounded by Grove Way to the south and also bounded by a border running to Fairmont Ave to the West and by Chabot Park in the East. It extends from Moraga to Redwood Rd. It is named after a rancher and a soldier of the Mexican army, Don Guillermo Castro. It was a part of Rancho San Lorenzo, the original twenty-eight thousand acre land granted to Castro. This land included Castro Valley, San Lorenzo and Hayward, including Palomares Canyons, Cull Canyon, and Crow Canyon.
The community of Castro Valley makes most of the present time, while at the same time, retains its history. The pastoral feel of the neighbourhoods of this community is complemented by the ranches present in the canyons. There are many trails and parks. Castro Valley highly supports arts and education. There are many elementary schools in Castro Valley, like Jensen Ranch Elementary, Palomares Elementary, Stanton Elementary, Independent Elementary, Marshall Elementary and Proctor Elementary. There are two middle schools, namely Creekside Middle School and Canyon Middle School. There are two high schools, which are Redwood High School and Castro Valley High School. Castro Valley continues to adapt itself in accordance with the requirements of the future generation. It has positioned itself as the brightest stars of the Industry of Bay Area Health Care.

CV Full Form: Coachella Valley

Full Form of CV stands for Coachella Valley. Coachella Valley forms a portion of the Colorado Desert. It extends for nearly seventy kilometres in the north-west direction from the Salton Sea, which runs through the county of Riverside, to the pass of San Gorgonio, present in the Southern California, United States. The width of this valley is approximately fifteen miles. It lies between the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto mountains in the west and San Bernardino Mountains in the east.
A productive region for agriculture has been created in the Coachella valley by using the irrigation provided by the Coachella Canal. These specialise in date gardens. It also supports alfalfa, truck crops, cotton, and citrus fruits. The Coachella city lies in the centre of the valley and is the main point for shipping of the products.
The northern part of the valley consists of many famous desert resorts, including the popular Palm Springs. Before the year 1900, there were two names of this valley, Conchilla and Cahuilla. Conchilla, which means little shell in Spanish, referred to the presence of the fossil shells in the valley. Cahuilla, on the other hand, referred to the Cahuilla Indians. They inhabited the valley before 1900. A misspelling of the former name on the official map of this valley has led to its current name.

Full Form of CV: Calorific Value

CV Full Form refers to Calorific value. During the process of combustion, the amount of heat produced is represented by the Calorific Value. This value is used by many people for determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the fuels. Those fuels that have high calorific value are used in the generation of energy. Calorific values are also used in the field of nutrition, where they are utilized in determining the amount of energy present in food.
For determining calorific value, a device known as calorimeter is used. Two separate measures can be utilized for its determination. One of them is called net calorific value. Also known as HHV or high calorific value, it is based on the assumption that water obtained during the process of combustion remains in the form of a liquid. Gross calorific Value, also known as LHV or lower heating value is calculated by assuming that the water produced during the process of combustion is converted into vapour.
Among the fuels, the one having the highest calorific value is hydrogen. Due to this, it is one of the excellent energy sources. Unfortunately, it needs special handling since it is unstable. Because of this, it is costly. Alternative fuels are easy to handle, hence are popular among people. Fuels having high calorific value are gasoline and methane.


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