URL Full Form Name
Full Form of URL :
Uniform Resource Locator
URL Full Form is Uniform Resource Locator. It is basically a reference to a web resource in the computer network. It provides the location of the resource and a mechanism to retrieve it. It was earlier termed as Universal Resource Locator. A URL is an address that is unique to a file, document or other resources on the Internet or WWW (World Wide Web). URL was created by Tim Berners-Lee an English Scientist in the year 1994.
Usually, the first half of a URL is known as ‘protocol identifier’ (as it identifies the protocol to be used) and the second half is known as ‘resource name’ (as it reveals the domain name or IP address of the web source). The first half and the second half of the URL are normally separated by means of a colon followed by two forward slashes.
One of the common synonyms used to refer to a URL is ‘web address’. Most often it is confused with the term domain name. Domain name is the one that locates a particular computer in the web and is a part of the URL. The web browsers basically display the URL in the address bar. Do you find it a little difficult to understand various terminologies involved in the address of a URL? Let us explain the usage of URL with one example so that it would be easy for you to understand.
For example, a URL like http://fullformdictionary.in/url-full-form/ has the following information.
§  fullformdictionary.in – Name of the website (Host Name)
§  http – Protocol
§  url-full-form – File Name
§  http://fullformdictionary.in/url-full-form/ – The location of the resource

URL Full Form: Universidad Rafael Landivar

Full Form of URL stands for Universidad Rafael Landivar. Also known as Rafael Landívar University or URL, it refers to a private university that is situated in Guatemala. The URL is basically a Jesuit university that was established in the year 1962.
Let us briefly explore some historical facts behind the establishment of the university. The URL was established on January 22, 1962. The university started functioning in the rooms of the Liceo Guatemala, which Marist Brothers have rented to Jesuits. Initially, there were only 138 students. In the month of July in the same year, the university moved to Zone No.10 of the Guatemala city and eventually moved to its current location in Zone No.16. With time, the university expanded into various facilities.
In the year 1992, the new campus of La Verapaz URL was established within the campus of Coban College. A new campus was inaugurated in the year 2000 and improvements were made to it when in the year 2005 KfW German Development Bank-funded development of new lecture rooms, academic and administrative blocks. The Bank also funded for the development of the Liceo Jabier College of La Verapuz.
There are regional offices that the URL operates. The Zacapa is regional headquarters, which was opened in the year 1977. It has trained and skilled manpower with experience in social work, agricultural activities, and managerial works. At present, it has about 1500 students from various regions like Salama, Jalapa, etc. In the year 2008, this regional headquarter was ascribed the status of Regional Campus and was named the Regional Campus San Luis Gonzaga, SJ, of Zacapa.
The university has undertaken certain social responsibilities, which it considers essential for the completion of its mission. Its mission includes responsibility towards Academic Social Responsibility (RSA) so that it can promote the development of student’s personality and skills. This way the students will be able to engage in the progress of the Guatemala society. The URL attempts to connect students, staffs, and its officers to the political and economic sector.

Some of the major objectives of the URL are:

§  Promotion of values and ethics among students and drive them towards critical but positive thinking.
§  To stress upon the importance of professional training and application of knowledge in actual cases and scenarios.
§  To promote skill development among Guatemalans, which directly impacts the society, particularly the underprivileged section of the society.
§  To undertake a periodic restructuring of the organization of the university.
§  To facilitate opportunities for social groups and finance providing entities to interact and assist help each other.

Full Form of URL: Unrestricted Line Officers

URL Full Form stands for Unrestricted Line officers. Also known as the URL officers, they are officers of the Line who are commissioned in the United States Navy force. These officers come from that lot, which is qualified to command war units like warships, squadrons, or submarines at sea. These officers often become part of the SEAL teams. The URL officers are elite officers that are qualified to command even more advanced, special war units like destroyers, squadrons, or aviation wings, etc. There are various levels of these URL officers, which are assigned with distinct powers to command respectively. Take for example a URL officer at the Flag Officer level, who has the additional power to command carrier strike units, patrol units, task forces, Fleet units, etc.
URL officers include many specialties from the Surface Warfare, Naval Aviation, Special Warfare, and Submarine Warfare groups. These groups mentioned constitute the Navy’s Combat Communities and thus, all the URL officers are regarded as warfare specialists. These officers are usually designated as the Submarine Warfare Officers, Naval Aviators, SEAL officers, Naval Flight Officers, etc.
There are other lines of officers that are designated as the Restricted Line (RI) officers or as Staff Corps officers. These officers are different from the URL officers because of their nature of functions that pertains to supporting combats and war missions. Some of the examples of RL officers are Engineering Duty Officers, Aeronautical Duty Officers, Information Warfare Officers, Public affairs Officers, Human Resources Officers, Aircraft Maintenance Officers, Foreign Area officers, etc. As far as Staff Corps are concerned, some of the examples are Supply Corps, Medical Service Corps, Nurse Corps, Judge Advocate general’s Corps, and Civil Engineer Corps, etc.
There are many RL officers, who start their career as URL officers, for example, Surface Warfare Officers become Engineering Duty Officers. However, many URL officers become part of the Staff Corps Communities like Medical Corps, after having finished off medical school funded by Navy. RL officers and Staff Corps have limited command powers confined to the area of specialty but they are nevertheless not qualified to command at sea.
As far as the historical background of the URL officers is concerned, it can all be traced back from the Royal Navy of the Great Britain, where there were two categories of officers commanding the navy ship. One category was that of the Commanding Officers, who were often addressed as gentlemen and commanded the ship whereas the other category was that of warrant officers, which concerned officers engaged in technical tasks. As time passed by, these technical officers started demanding more rights, especially the power to command. This especially happened when industrial revolution happened, which resulted in the emergence of a third category of officers, who were basically engineers and ran steam units.

URL Full Form: Universitat Ramon Llull

Full Form of URL refers to Universitat Ramon Llull. Coming to the subject of universities, this segment will cover one briefly. It is important to study meticulously what a university has to offer. Whether it is private or public university or whether it is newly founded or an old institution or whether it has gained prominence or yet to reach the stage of minimum standard, etc are some of the questions that must arise in one’s mind before heading towards any institution. Thus, for the purpose of this article, we shall briefly but precisely discuss what the subject matter of the segment has to offer to the people. Let us discuss Universitat Ramon Llull.
Universitat Ramon Llull, also known as Ramon Llull university or simply the URL, is a privately funded, Catholic university that is situated in Barcelona, of Catalonia, in Spain. The university is not an old university, as it was established about nearly two decades ago, that is in the year 1990. The motto of the university is “Ser i Saber”, which translates to “To be and to know“ and endeavors to produce an intellectual class with the help of its distinctive academic coursework for college students. The current President of the URL is Dr. Esther Gimenez-Salinas.
Every university is set in a background distinctive its own and therefore, it would appropriate to understand a bit about the URL’s history in order to appreciate it better. The URL has its name after Ramon Llull, who was a popular and respected philosopher and writer in the way back 13th century. He is known for the first mainstream work done on Catalan Literature and his engagement in computation theory. Naming the university after him adds to its relevance.
The URL is formed out of seven institutions that participated in its foundation. Those seven institutes are
1.       Blanquerna Foundation
2.       Philosophy Faculty – Includes Philosophy and Humanities, which is the oldest participating institution established in the year 1864.
3.       Pere Tarrés University School of Social Studies.
4.       ESDi Higher School of Design
5.       Borja Institute of Bioethics.
6.       ESADE, which stands as the Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
7.       La Salle Engineering and Architecture
8.       IQS, which stands for Institut Químic de Sarria – Sarrià Chemical Institute
9.       Ebro Observatory Research Institute.
10. Vidal i Barraquer Foundation – University Institute of Mental Health.
Currently, the URL is composed of about 14 schools and academic faculties engaged in a wide range of disciplines. Some of the schools are ESDi School of Design, ESADE Law School, ESADE Business School, IQS School of Engineering, and IQS School of Management, School of Philosophy, and the School of Tourism, etc.
