GRE Full Form Name: GRE Meaning

Full Form of GRE:

Graduate Record Examination

GRE Full Form is Graduate Record Examination. Students who wish to seek admissions in the United States, Canada, and the UK are expected to clear the Graduate Record Examination. It is an examination or test with several multiple-choice questions in order to test the responsive ability of a candidate. The questions test various skills like analytical writing, verbal reasoning, critical thinking and quantitative reasoning. GRE tests are conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS) which is the largest educational testing and assessment organization in the world.
There isn’t any age restriction to take up this exam. Students can appear for GRE General Test or GRE Subject Test or both. A GRE general test helps one to seek admission in various courses like graduate business school, master’s degree, or even PhD. There are GRE subject tests which are specific to a particular area of study including Biology, Chemistry,Biochemistry, Molecular and cell Biology, Mathematics, Psychology, Physics, English Literature, etc. There are various centers for GRE exams all over the world.

GRE Full Form – Additional Information

GRE, which stands for Graduate Record Examinations, refers to a standardized examination that is required for admission purposes in most Graduate schools based in the United States of America. GRE is organized under the aegis of the Educational Testing Service (abbreviated as ETS) that was founded in the year 1949. The examination is aimed at measuring quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing that have been acquired in the long run and are not necessarily based on any particular area of study beyond GRE. The GRE test is both paper-based, and Computer-based Test (abbreviated as CBD) conducted at Prometric test centers.
In a graduate admission procedure, the importance of GRE scores varies from one school to another. GRE score may be a mere formality for admission or an important selection factor. In the year 2011, GRE was heavily overhauled. The overhaul caused the examination to be not adaptive on what is called question-by-question basis but by section such that the performance on the first mathematics and verbal sections will ascertain the complexity of the second sections given.
The scoring scale was also changed from a 200 to an 800 scale.  The cost for applying to the examination is US$205, although there are circumstances under which the same can be reduced. They also further financial assistance to those applicants coming from economically backward categories. The CBT GRE comprises six sections. The first section is necessarily the analytical writing one that involves differently timed argument tasks and issues. The following five sections comprise two quantitative reasoning sections, verbal reasoning sections, and either a research or experimental section.
These five sections do not necessarily follow the same order. The research or experimental section does not calculate towards the final score but is differentiated from the other scored sections. The paper-based GRE comprises six sections and it is available only in those areas where the CBT is not possible or unavailable. The analytical writing section is divided into two sections, with one section being argument task and other one being issue task.
Apart from the GRE General Test, there are other 7 GRE Subject tests that evaluate knowledge in particular areas of Cell and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Literature in English, Psychology, Physics, and Mathematics. The duration of each examination is 170 minutes. In the year 1988, the Political Science and Revised Education were disbanded. In the year 2000, the Sociology and History examinations were put to an end, followed by Engineering, Geology, Music, and Economics examination. In the year 2013, the Computer Science Examination was discontinued.
GRE is considered as one of the toughest examinations in the world and is respected even by many reputed IQ societies such as Triple Nice Society and American Mensa. However, the examination has invited a lot of criticism in many spheres including biases, a poor predictor of performance, and vulnerability to cheating. While major changes were incorporated in the 2011 overhaul, there are still apprehensions voiced over its failure to assess true performance skills.

GRE Full Form: Generic Routing Encapsulation

Full Form of GRE stands for Genetic Routing Encapsulation. GRE refers to a system that causes encapsulation of packets so that the other protocols can be routed over IP networks. It is basically a tunneling protocol, which was invented by Cisco Systems. To elaborate on its functions, GRE encapsulated extensive categories of network layer protocols within virtual point-to-point links over an IP network.
A tunneling protocol refers to a protocol that facilitates a network user accessibility to a network service, which the network on which user is working on does not provide access to. In this way, an alien protocol is given facility to connect to a network not supported by another protocol.
A point-to-point link is a term commonly used in telecommunications. The term denotes communication connections between two nodes or points. This could be understood by means of a simple example of a telephone call, where one person hears from one side and another person talks from the other side. Thus, there is a connection facilitating communication between two points.
GRE has many applications and some of them are given in the following paragraphs:
  • It is frequently used with PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) in order to develop VPNs. PPTP is a process directed towards the implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
  • It is also used with IPsec VPNs to provide for passage of routing information between two networks.
  • GRE is also used in mobility protocols.
  • In Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) appliances.
  • The operating systems like Linux and BSD make use of GRE tunnels to create ad-hoc IP.

GRE – Great River Energy

GRE Full Form stands for Great River Energy. It a cooperative based in Minnesota, the United States. The cooperative is engaged in electric transmission and generation functions. GRE holds great relevance for the American state because it is the second largest utility in terms of generation capacity in the State and the fifth largest such cooperative in terms of assets in the whole United States. It is a non-profit cooperative that discharges the task of supplying wholesale electricity to more than a million people via 28 distribution substations in about 60 percent of the region in Minnesota.
GRE is a product of a merger between Cooperative Power Association and United Power Association, which happened in the year 1999. With time, the cooperative expanded its reach and functions and it currently runs more than 100 transmission substations in the state. Apart from substations, it also manages about 500 distribution substations.
GRE’s contribution has been widely recognized. It initiated a project known as “DryFining” which led to the invention of a new technology that could be used in coal-powered power plants. This technology causes improvement in the quality of fuel; causes decrease in gas emissions, and reduces financial burden pertaining to operation and management.
The team that worked on this project was applauded and awarded the 2010 Coal-Fired Project of the Year by the Power Engineering Magazine for its achievement. The team comprised of members from the United States Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory, Lehigh University’s Energy Research Center, and the Electric Power Research Institute, etc.

GRE – Guardian Royal Exchange

Also known as the Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance plc or GRE was once a big insurance company that operated from London. It was established in the year 1968 via a merger between the Guardian Assurance Company and Royal Exchange Assurance. The company was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was also a part of the FTSE 100 Index. The Royal Exchange company was an old company established way back in the year 1720 whereas the Guardian Assurance Company was once an insurance giant founded in the year 1821.
GRE undertook the acquisition of PPP Healthcare, which was a private entity engaged in insurance, in February month of the year 1998. However, despite a major acquisition and extensive marketing, the company could not function adequately. It eventually became defunct in the year 1999. To avoid the aggravation of the financial status, the company was acquired by a French company AXA for a lump sum amount of $5.7 billion and it was merged with the Sun Life & Provincial Holdings Division of the French company.

GRE – General Research of Electronics, Inc

GRE was a Japanese multinational corporation that engaged in the manufacture of electrical equipment, particularly in the areas pertaining to radio and other telecommunication services. GRE produced many products of which some of the popular products were transceivers, radio scanners, antennas, and GPS devices. It also manufactured satellite and OEM equipment like Radio Shack, Uniden, and Commtel.
Let us discuss some historical facts about GRE. GRE was established in the year 1961 and was based in the metropolitan city of Tokyo, Japan. The company had established its manufacturing unit in Chiba Prefecture but eventually it was closed down in October 2012. Since the shutdown of the manufacturing unit in Chiba Prefecture, all the production ceased but some sources from the company claimed that it would continue producing without major contributors.
It set up its overseas operation in the year 1977 under the name “GRE America, Inc”. The head office was situated in California. The second foreign operation was established in Hong Kong under the name GRE (Hong Kong), Ltd. A major event happened in the year 2014 when Whistler Group took control over the production of scanner line of GRE. Eventually, Whistler Group started production and sale of radio scanner, which was previously produced for Radio Shack.
Things did not go down well with domestic operations of the GRE and the headquarters in Tokyo was closed down in February 2014. A few months later, GRE closed down its California office due to lack of resources and developmental capacities.

GRE – Guest Relations Executive

Full Form of GRE stands for Guest relations Executive. GRE deals with a job post in hotels. A GRE generally reports to the Front Office Manager or Assistant Front office Manager. He or she undertakes several important tasks, which have been enumerated in the following paragraphs:
  • It is the duty of a Guest Relations Executive to courteously attend guests during check-in and give a proper farewell to them during check-out.
  • One important task that GRE discharges is to oversee needs and requirements of VIPs guests. He has to oversee arrangements made for the arrival and departure of such guests, along with other arrangements.
  • A GRE is expected to possess good qualities pertaining to multi-tasking.
  • Ensure that adequate services are provided to customers.
  • GRE must ensure that the relations with guests are kindly and adequately maintained. He has to keep updating guests about various attractions of the hotel.
  • He has to collect feedbacks from guests on their departure.
  • It is of utmost importance that the hygienic standards of the hotel do not degrade and therefore, a GRE must keep a check on the observance of such standards.
  • It is obviously expected out of a GRE that he must possess the minimum required organizational skills.
  • A GRE should be able to smoothly interact with guests i.e. he should possess strong interpersonal skills.
  • A GRE should be well informed about every guest lodged in the hotel and also about the city.
  • It is the duty of a GRE to maintain updated information on hotel rates, offers, and packages. A poorly informed GRE would greatly affect the reputation of the hotel.

Full Form of GRE: Glycopeptide Resistant Enterococcus

GRE Full Form stands for Glycopeptide Resistant Enterococcus., It refers to a bacteria that is usually found in human beings’ gut. GRE is a type of enterococcus that is unaffected by Glycopeptide kind of antibiotics, for example, vancomycin and teicoplanin.
GRE generally spreads in the hospital, often through hands. If hands come into direct contact with GRE and are not thoroughly washed, the bacteria may spread to other persons. Generally, GRE in guts does not pose any serious concerns but there have been cases reported where it has caused infections.
It is, therefore, important that due care is taken while in and after leaving hospitals as there is a high likelihood that you have GRE. It is emphasized that hand hygiene is specially taken care of. Another precautionary method that should be adopted is the isolation of patients and cleaning of the environment around the patient. The decision to isolate a patient should be left on the clinical risk assessment. Those patients who have GRE and diarrhea present serious concern, as there is a greater likelihood of transfer of GRE to other people.

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