ICSE Full Form Name: ICSE Meaning

Full Form of ICSE:

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education

ICSE Full Form is Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. ICSE is an examination conducted for the SSLC/10th Class students in India. The exam is conducted by CISCE which is the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. CISCE is an NGO which conducts the examination in English medium according to the New Education Policy 1986 recommendations.

What are the subjects offered in ICSE?

The subjects offered in ICSE are divided into 3 groups. Group 1 has compulsory subjects like English, Civics & Geography, History, and Indian Language. Group 2 has two subjects which are selected by the students among the available subjects like Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Technical drawing, Social studies, etc. Group 3 has any one subject from Economic Applications, Fashion Designing, Computer Applications, Cookery, Physical Education, etc…

How is the assessment done in ICSE?

There is an internal assessment in each subject weighing about 20% to 50% of the marks which is carried out by the respective schools. The schools carry out the internal assessment based on the practicals, assignments, and course work done by the student.

ICSE Full Form: Indian Council of Secondary Education

ICSE Full Form refers to Indian Council of Secondary Education in India. It is a private educational body with some set standards to provide high-quality education for students with adequate creativity and reduced pressure. It has been recognized as an institution for instructional delivery and also provides distance education facility to enable students to study from their convenient location. ICSE has been a great contributor to Indian educational system in terms of quality and environment.
ICSE board was formed in 1958 in order to take the place of Cambridge School Certification Exam. It maintains a feasible system of education specially designed considering working professionals so that their expertise and skills suit the job demands of the market. Though the exams are highly competitive, the ICSE board offers scholarships to deserving candidates. The primary objective is to equip students in all areas including requisite high standard subject knowledge.

ICSE Full Form: International Conference on Software Engineering

Full Form of ICSE stands for International Conference on Software Engineering. It is the conference that provides a forum for practitioners, educators, and researchers to discuss and presents the latest trends, concerns, experiences, and innovations in the software field. International Conference on Software Engineeringcommonly known as ICSE – is a trademark, which is registered and is one of the biggest conferences held annually concerning software engineering. ICSE possesses an ‘A1’ rating of Brazilian Ministry of Education; and ‘A’ rating from the Computing Research and Education Association of Australia rankings. Furthermore, it has the highest rating in the Microsoft Academic field. The first ever conference of ICSE was held in 1975 in Washington DC.
Each year the conference happens in different parts of the world including Argentina, USA, Italy, India, Switzerland, South Africa, Canada, Germany, Japan, France, etc. Some of the sponsors of the event include; ACM SIGSOFT; Gesellschaft fur Informatik; European Research Office (ERO); ACM; National Bureau of Standards; etc. The 18th ICSE conference is to be held on February 4th and 5th of 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. The prime objective of the conference is to aid convergence of leading researchers, academic scientists, and scholars in the software field to share and exchange their research results and experiences about every aspect of software design and engineering. Further dates and places of conferences for the coming years of 2017.18.and 19 are already fixed. Some of the topics covered include; IT workforce enablement; Scalable Cloud-Based LEO Satellite Constellation Simulator; Classification and Attacks over Cloud Environment, etc.

Full Form of ICSE: International Center for Scientific Ecology

ICSE Full Form stands for International Center for Scientific Ecology. It is an organization in Paris, which was set up to be an agent for SEPP or the S. Fred Singer’s Science and Environmental Policy Project in Europe; and promotes the Heidelberg Appeal. Michel Salomon, who was working with the SEPP in the U.S., drafted the original document of appeal and was the one who run the International Center for Scientific Ecology. Michel was assisted by Jean-Pierre Hulot – the Secretariat who took care of the correspondence in Europe, and M.Pierre Joly – a pharmaceutical lobbyist – was the President of ICSE.
The organization claimed to be the basis of a scientific advisory body. Nevertheless, it was just a scientific lobby shop, which was financed by a coalition of asbestos, tobacco, energy, coal, and oil interests. Hence, the literature terms it as ‘Heidelberg Organization’ or ‘Heidelberg Coalition’ though it has nothing to do with the Heidelberg town of Germany anymore. After the initial conference at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, various activities took place by the ICSE and SEPP for the tobacco industry. Some of the activities include; circulation of version No. 3 of the ‘appeal documents’ for signings; setting up a network of corporations of Europe to share the cost of the appeal; and more. Though the idea of forming ICSE emerged or announced during an interview with the journal ‘The Scientist’ in 1992, the center was founded officially during early 1993 under French law for NPO or non-profit organizations.

ICSE Full Form: International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics

Full Form of ICSE refers to International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics. It is an annual conference held by the IEEE or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which is an association that dedicates itself to the progress of technological and innovative excellence for humanity. It is said to be the largest technical/professional society in the world. IEEE conducts more than 1600 different conferences and meetings all over the world each year and International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics is one among them. ICSE has gained prominence over the past 20 years among the International forums in the respective field. It embraces every aspect of semiconductor technology including; simulation, modeling, a circuit device, sensor technology, photonics, reliability and failure analysis, nanoelectronics, etc.
The pace at which semiconductor corporations deliver patented new technologies is extremely high and all these are based on extensive research. References of patents to the IEEE papers have boosted by 768% from 1997. The premium companies in the patenting field reveal that IEEE technical and scientific articles are referred thrice more than any commercial or scholarly publisher. ICSE conferences address the use of microelectronics to develop electronic products; simulation, design, device modeling, testing, packaging, microwave device, MMIC, optoelectronic technology, process technology, and all topics related to semiconductor electronics.

Full Form of ICSE: International Classification of Status in Employment

ICSE Full Form refers to International Classification of Status in Employment .The present version of the International Classification of Status in Employment was validated through the resolution of the 15th ICLS or International Conference of Labor Statistics in the year 1993. It classifies jobs based on the type of implicit or explicit contract between the employee and the economic unit of employment. The main objective is to provide a basis to produce comparative charts and statistics at the International level on employment relationship including the difference between self and salaried employment. There are five categories under of employment out of which four can be classified as self-employment. The categories are; employees, employers, Own-account workers, Member of producers’ cooperatives, and contributing family workers.

ICSE Full Form: International Contract Services Expo

Full Form of ICSE refers to International Contract Services Expo. It is a pharmaceutical networking event cum exhibition, which is dedicated to outsources contract services. Also known as ICSE, the International Contract Services Expo is co-organized and co-located with the largest pharmaceutical convention of the world – CphI and its first edition was in 2000. It connects the community of the entire pharmaceutical industry with various outsourcing solution providers like contract research, clinical trials, biotech, contract manufacturing, logistics, packaging services, IT, and analytical services.
ICSE is an International stage for the pharmaceutical and contract services companies. It is Co-located with the worldwide network of CPhI, P-MEC, InnoPack, and FDF. ICSE not only connects the pharma community with outsourcing providers but also gathers them in various zones like Bio services; general floor, a new exhibitor, North American Zone, cold chain, lab services, and more.
Each year, the International Contract Services Expo converges or brings together almost over 36,000 professionals from the pharmaceutical industry into a single location of the Expo. It creates the best platform to meet all kinds of new and existing business partners and helps to launch various new products, increase and build brand awareness, access the global pharma market, as well as establish several new business partnerships. It not only provides more than 72 hours of networking option but the product zones also help in directing the right kind of visitors to individual stands.

Full Form of ICSE: Imperial College String Ensemble

ICSE Full Form stands for Imperial College String Ensemble. It is the only society of Imperial College, London, which is dedicated to playing collections exclusively written for strings. Every rehearsal of the Imperial College String Ensemble is filled with friendliness and fun and the event takes place every Friday in the evenings. ICSE (pronounced as ‘ick – see’, has a great reputation for its quality ever since its creation in 2004. Currently, it is the leading ‘voice in music making’ at Imperial. The small ensemble has about 30 players, which enables the unique creation of repertoires and a strong sociality among the group members.
The ensemble gives concerts in the local area for each term and takes part in all events including aids of charity, Artsfest, and various exciting events all through the year. Some of the string classics include Mendelssohn, Elgar, Stravinsky, etc. The ensemble has also earned a reputation for wild partying during weekends and fill them with fun with a lot of eating, dancing, and other fun activities.
The conductor of the ensemble is Dan Shilladay, who studied music at the University of Birmingham and later completed his master’s in contemporary music at the University of York. He also had an additional year of study at the Royal College of Music and is currently working with Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the English Baroque Soloists, the English Chamber Orchestra, and as a freelance violist.

ICSE Full Form: Institute for Clean and Secure Energy

Full Form of ICSE stands for Institute for Clean and Secure Energy. The Institute for Clean and Secure Energy grew from a tradition of long-term research of combustion in the University of Utah during the 1950s, which is still continuing with more than 120 faculty, students, and staff. ICSE is a collaboration of several research programs, which had their objectives based on combustion analysis, simulation, experiments, etc. Finally, in 2004, ICSE was recognized as a permanent institute by the University of Utah.
The mission of the institute is to provide education through research on fuel utilization processes associated with high temperatures to generate energy and address health policy, performance, and environmental issues related to it. Employees of ICSE have a multi-disciplinary attitude towards the research on energy and relevant processes and use a combination of simulation, analytical tools, and conducting hands-on experiments.
Currently, the resources of ICSE are categorized into different groups that interconnect with each other such as; simulation, experimental, policy, and analytical. Some of the processes include; providing quality data for validation; addressing testing and development of industrial applications; combining optical diagnostics and various instrumentation to measure emissions, etc. The simulation processes involve in creating predictive tools for multiphase and highly turbulent reacting flows; providing clarity into coupling between chemical reaction and fluid dynamics; etc. Finally, the policy group evaluates the various environmental, economic, and legal issues associated with the ongoing coal, oil sands, and oil shale development processes.

Full Form of ICSE: International Conference on Spoken English

ICSE Full Form stands for International Conference on Spoken English. As the name implies, it is a conference with the prime objective of bringing together, all scholars who are engaged in analysis and research of Spoken English on the diverse application and theoretical perspectives. The International Conference on Spoken English focuses on various aspects of research including; highlighting and analyzing the differences between written and spoken English; textual and interpersonal issues of Spoken English; teaching Spoken English as foreign/second language multimodality; etc. ICSE welcomes contributions that represent various analytical approaches and encourages different workshops, panel discussions, and paper works on a huge range of topics.
Some of the topics discussed include:
  • Grammar of spoken English
  • Vocabulary and phraseology of spoken English
  • Continuum of written spoken English
  • Spoken English as lingua Franca
  • Multimodality and Spoken English
  • Language change and more

ICSE Full Form: International Conference on Scour and Erosion

Full Form of ICSE stands for International Conference on Scour and Erosion. ISSMGE or International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering organizes several conferences covering a range of topics like underground construction, earthquake engineering, etc. International Conference on Scour and Erosion is one among them, with the objective of exchanging information on Scour and Erosion processes from a geotechnical view. This helps to enhance the mutual understanding of hydraulic and geotechnical approaches to the same.
ICSE provides all relevant information on the web to the hydraulic and geotechnical community. The conferences mainly promote the betterment of various calculation methods of the process of Scour and Erosion. The first conference of ICSE was initiated in 2002 and the 8th conference is to take place in Oxford, the UK between 12th September and 15th September of 2016. ICSE provides a good platform for engineers and scientists from all over the world to share and exchange ideas related to their practices and researches related to Scour and Erosion (S&E).
The broad topics covered in the conferences include; physical and numerical modeling of the S&E process; fundamental mechanisms; etc. Engineers from various fields of hydraulic engineering, civil engineering, offshore and coastal engineering, and scientists in the field participate in ICSE. One of the best features of ICSE has been the collaboration of cross-disciplinary and exchange between the hydraulic and geotechnical engineers.


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