LOVE Full Form Name: LOVE Meaning
Full Form of LOVE :
Language Of Valuable Emotions
LOVE Full Form can be Language Of Valuable Emotions (or) Long Original Valuable Emotion. LOVE is just an emotion and there cannot possibly be any realistic full form. However, hypothetically, based on individual experience and state of mind people create their own expansion for LOVE.
People who have divine experience of love term LOVE as Long Original Valuable Emotion (or) Life’s Only Valuable Emotion (or) Look Verify Observe Enjoy. On the other hand, people who have  bad experience on LOVE, they term it as Lake of sorrow Ocean of tears Valley of death and End of Life (or) Loss Of Valuable Energy.
Love Full Form – Additional Information
Love is an interesting notion that sparks romance within oneself. It is a simple but magical feeling that is often understood as the best evidence of humanity. One who loves possesses a great heart. Well, it is a very commonly accepted notion. Nevertheless, it does not solve the complex contours of this amazing feeling called Love.
While the aforementioned paragraph is a personal explanation, the general understanding of Love may be different from one person to another. Generally, Love is understood as a box of a variety of feelings, feelings, emotions, and whatnot that come in different shades. You can find love as an interpersonal affection; as a pleasurable sensation, etc. It is indicative of emotional attachment to something or someone.
Like mentioned before, love reflects kindness, affection, and compassion, which are considered key ingredients in humanity. Because of the unusually large variety of understanding of Love, it is not that easy to define it. What is undisputed is that love motivates stronger bonds and leads to psychological affinity towards something or someone. Such is the enigma of Love.  We shall explore some amazing facts about Love, which will make you wonder more and more about it.
Origins and definition
It will be a difficult task to define love. Many countries express the feeling of love with the help of different word, though the English term ‘Love’ is most commonly used. In Greece, the words “eros” and “agape” are words meaning Love. Because of the varied cultural understanding of love, it is difficult to attribute one straight-jacketed definition to love.
Love is a positive emotion that is opposite to negative emotions such as apathy and hate. Often, love is considered a rather plutonic emotion and is often contrasted with the feeling of lust. It has romantic overtones, which are not necessarily sexual in nature. Love is also understood as friendship. However, you would find its use quite often among those in relationships such as between couples. While love is generally considered a positive feeling, it may become unreasonably too strong not to become an obsession. One can love oneself and eventually become a narcissist.
Jeremy Griffin, the famous biologist, defines love to unconditional selflessness. Aristotle defines it to mean a will to do good to others; Bertrand Russell defines it as a condition that has absolute value. Love is a popular genre and is the most commonly used theme for books, poems, films, and other modes of entertainment.
It must have become clear how much difficult it becomes when one comes down to defining Love. To simply define, LOVE is the emotion or deep feeling that binds any two human being irrespective of whether they know each other or not. We often use the word in a casual sense but it embodies more than that.  So, let us leave it to the people to decide in what fashion they understand love.
Biological basis to Love
Probably the most primitive understanding of love is biological in nature. It is often understood as the drive for sexual intercourse, which is natural to animals. Helen Fisher divides the feeling of love into three categories, namely: Lust, attraction, and then attachment. Lust involves sexual emotions and engages the organism in sexual adventures; then comes attraction that involves the determination of partner and producing children; then finally, an attachment that involves settling down, discharging parental duties, and ensuring security and happiness to the partner and offspring. A neurotransmitter is a key to these three aforementioned stages.
In the aforementioned category, Lust drives an organism towards mating, which is an essential natural process. This stage is characterized by release of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Attraction is more specific than lust and is targeted towards an individual organism. This feeling of attraction makes the development of a feeling of commitment. Both of these two stages are regarded as temporary stages and together leads to the third stage that is more stable and accounts for long duration relationships. It generally lasts for a longer time and is stronger emotionally. Many scientists believe that protein molecule that is called nerve growth factor (abbreviated as NGF) is found in high levels during the initial stages and eventually return to ordinary levels, possibly after a year.
Psychological basis of Love
Understanding love only in the biological sense is unfair because there are more facets to it. Psychology gives a deeper insight into it. It explains love as social and cognitive. There is a “triangular theory of love” propounded by Robert Sternberg, a renowned psychologist. He stated that there are three different ingredients, namely: commitment, intimacy, and passion. Commitment refers to an emotion that desires permanency in a relationship. Intimacy is an emotion that indicates confidence in relationships. Passion comes in the form of romance as well as infatuation. Another psychologist named Zick Rubin attempts to define love with the help of psychometrics during the 1970s.
With time, more theories establishing a relation between love and human psychology came up such as the Coulomb’s law that talks about the presence of negative and positive charges which tend to attract. On the same lines, analogs in respect of human life developed. The famous saying “Opposites attract” has a scientific inspiration. It is often found that humans are attracted to those who have opposite characteristics. On these lines, many human bonding theories have developed. Scott Peck explained love as an activity. A similar opinion is delivered by Erich Fromm, who in his book The Art of Living, that love is not just about a feeling but also involves actions. There are series of actions that contribute to the feeling of love and make it complete.
Cultural views on Love
§  Ancient Greek: Greece is known for its elaborate understanding of love. In ancient Greece, there were four kinds of love, namely: kinship (storge), friendship (philia), sexual (eros), and divine love (agape).
§  Chinese culture: There are two philosophical overtones of love that prevail in the Chinese culture. One philosophy comes from Confucianism and the other one comes from Mohism. In Confucianism, the emphasis is on duty and actions and in Mohism, the emphasis was made on universal love. In former, Ren (which means benevolent love) is a central concept that lays emphasis upon action, duty, and attitude and goes beyond the mere feeling of love. Such love is depicted by showing love to children, loyalty, and kindness to parents. In latter, the core concept is Ai that stands as a reaction to Ren. There is an emphasis upon universal love and does not try to restrict to affections and show of emotions to family members and friends. In Mohism, the principle of equal love to all functions. In modern day Chinese language, the word Ai is used for love. It can be used both as a verb “ai” and “aiqing”
§  Persian culture: In Persian language, the word eshgh depict love and passion. The word has been inspired from the Arabic word Ishq.
Religious views
One can find many religious theories on love. Some of them have been mentioned below:
§  Christianity: Though there is no definite definition of love in Christianity, St. Thomas Acquinas has attempted to summarize various ingredients of love into one definition. He understands love as a will to do good to others. In Christianity, love must motivate a person to do good or to wish good for others.
§  Judaism: Ahava is the word used for love and is used when referring to interpersonal love. It fosters love between God and creation of God.
§  Islam: Universal brotherhood is the definition of love in Islam. In Islamic culture, there is no one who is as caring and loving as the God himself. The holy book, Quran, refers to God, who has kindness.
§  Buddhism: There are four forms of love, namely: Kama, which indicates sexual love; then Karuna, which indicates mercifulness; then metta and Advesa, which expresses kind love.
§  Hinduism: There is Kama, which refers to sexual love, which is represented by Kamdeva. In contrary, there is prem that refers to pure love, which embodies karuna that signifies mercy and compassion.
There are many other definitions of love found in other religions, which give away to whole new outlooks on the same.
Political views on Love
Under this head, we shall have Free Love for some highlight. Free Love is basically a social movement that crusades against marriage. This movement regards marriage as a form of bondage that is entered into for financial and social causes. It aims at advocating that marriage is a personal affair and must be dealt with only by those who are really affected by it.
Many scholars try to find a connection between the movement of Free Love with feminism. Many famous women leaders like Mary Wollstonecraft have protested against marriage and social symbols attached to it. Such women leaders have challenged the institution on the grounds that it inhibits the growth of women as individuals. Many consider the Free Love movement an attempt to strive for equality between the two sexes by getting rid of evils that have become too attached to the sacred institution of marriage. The movement has come to inspire contemporary leaders who crusade women’s cause, equality, and hardships to women.


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