UPSC Full Form Name
Full Form of UPSC :
Union Public Service Commission
UPSC Full Form is Union Public Service Commission. It’s a central government agency which conducts various exams like Civil service exam, Indian forest service exam, Engineering services exam, Naval academy exam, Central armed police forces or assistant commandment exam, Special class railway exam, Combined defense services exam, Combined medical services exam,etc. The examinations conducted by the UPSC are considered to be one of the toughest exams in the country with the success rate varying between 0.1% and 0.3%.
It is the Constitution of India, which grants the authority to conduct these examinations. UPSC also has other roles in the constitution such as Recruitment to posts and services through interviews, Providing advices to the government regarding recruitment methods, Discipline cases related to various civil services, Miscellaneous matters related to granting unusual pensions, etc.
UPSC Full Form – Additional Information
India is a democratic country and it is the right of the people of India to be a part of its various systems. However, taking the initiative to help the leaders lead the country is no small task and they should be the right candidates to give advice, voice opinions and be the representative of the masses. Thus, for careful selection of candidates for Civil Service, the Constitution of India has made a provision of a body that has the responsibility of conducting these selections.
What is UPSC?
UPSC or Union Public Service Commission is a central agency appointed by the Indian Government to conduct examinations to select and recruit candidates in the assorted Government services like defense, engineering, civil services and many others.
The Headquarters of the Commission are located in New Delhi. The Public Service Commission was first formed during the British rule on 1st October 1926. However, it was not very effective and the Indian leaders of freedom movement stressed for a better advisory body and hence Federal Public Service Commission was set up by the Government of India Act of 1935. This Act also made provision for appointing the commissions at the provincial level.
After independence, when the Constitution was formed in 1950, the Federal Public Service Commission was granted the constitutional status of an independent entity in order to ensure impartial recruitment in Civil Services and was called Union Public Service Commission. The role of the UPSC was to select the right candidates for advisory committee in different departments of the Government, in order to facilitate smooth functioning of the administration.
Role of UPSC
Amongst all the other exams conducted by the UPSC, the Civil Services Exam is considered the toughest to crack. It is because it is through this exam that the future representatives of the people are chosen. The civil services can be Indian Administrative Services, Indian Police Services, Indian Foreign Services, Indian Postal / Railway / Trade Services and Indian Revenue Services (IRS) and so on. To be part of any of the services, the candidate needs to be confident, frank and unbiased.
An effective democracy is that where the representatives of India are selected through such exams who can guide the political leaders by giving open and impartial advice for the betterment of the country. They should also help in coordination of various departments of the governance and facilitate effective policy-making for a stable and successful administration. UPSC oversees all the recruitment processes, which are conducted either through direct recruitment or by selection through examinations.
It is vital for a growing democracy to have good leaders who can steer the country through critical situations. This is definitely not the work of a single individual and thus to convey the opinion and suggestions of the people who elect the Government, there is a need for Civil Service executives who undertake the responsibility of giving advice, help in policy making etc. As per norm of any democracy, there has to be an unbiased selection of leaders as well as public representatives and this can be achieved only through the appointment of a neutral body, responsible for the selection process.
What is the importance of UPSC?
Union Public Service Commission has the major responsibility for conducting examinations for the following fields in order to select candidates to be inducted in those respective services. This can be in Railways, Forest Department, Armed Forces, Civil Services, Postal Services and many others.
The Constitution has entrusted the Commission with
  • Recruitment to posts and services under the Central Government by selecting the candidates through interviews.
  • Appointments in the Union Government through the selection process of competitive examinations.
  • Giving advice to the Government on various appointment processes for different services and posts.
  • Advising on the merit of the officers for appointment on transfer – of –deputation or promotion.
  • Handling disciplinary cases related to various civil services.
  • Taking care of settlement of legal expenses, granting extraordinary pensions, and other related issues.
Running a developing nation needs an able administration. The present young generation has ample ideas to boost growth and progress. Hence, it is necessary to include such sharp minds in the Civil Services as advisors in various fields like economics, administration, defense policies, and so on. Through examination process, one can judge the mental ability of the candidate to handle situations. Furthermore, through interviews the candidate’s communication and convincing power comes into consideration.
What are the different selection processes of UPSC?
To give a fair chance to all deserving candidates, there are certain norms that the UPSC follows in the process of appointing a person. The recruitment is carried out by three methods – direct recruitment, promotion of the employed civil servant or transfer on deputation or normal transfer. The Direct Recruitment is either through competitive examinations or selection after the interview.
The Constitution demands that besides Civil Services and Posts, the Commission is also responsible for conducting selection examinations for Armed Forces. With the help of Ministry of Defence, the examinations are carried out from different defense academies like Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Indian Military Academy and National Defence Academy (NDA) as well as Officers Training Academy. The successful candidates from each category are then inducted into the respective forces.
UPSC conducts over dozen examinations through the year to recruit persons in Civil Services, Forest Department, and Engineering as well as Medical field. The examinations are held at 42 regular appointed centers all over the country. Recruitment by selection has two sub-norms. It is either by direct interview or examination followed by an interview.
When there are large numbers of applications for a post, UPSC shortlists the candidates according to job suitability and then calls them for a selection interview. For interview after written test, it can either be decided by the person’s performance in written and/or practical test as well as the interview. In other cases, it may just be dependent on the interview conducted after the test.
Change is necessary for UPSC
For any organization to function efficiently there should be constant up gradation of the system and UPSC also takes care to see that there are positive changes incorporated in their functional methods. UPSC is made up of a Chairperson and 10 members from different walks of life – Civil Services, Education, Medical, etc. Together they have recently initiated some changes in the processes.
The Commission has made reforms in the Civil Services Examination and Engineering Services Examinations, taking into consideration the changing power and expectations of the citizens. Similarly, there is a need to understand the problems of the candidates with respect to language and other issues.
There are many deserving people who lag behind due to their proficiency level in the particular language, especially English. Thus, they like to express their thoughts in the language that they find comfortable in. Now the Commission has given permission to candidates appearing for Civil Services Examinations to appear for written test as well as an interview in the Indian language of their choice.
The workload on UPSC increases every year due to more aspirants showing desire to appear in examinations as well as for interviews. Nonetheless, the Commission has prepared itself well to handle the selection processes (examinations and interviews) as per calendar schedule without any changes.


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